Senior Trainee Transitioning Into Consultant Role.

Case Study

The story of a senior trainee transitioning into consultant role.

"I accessed coaching with Mat at a really pivotal point in my career and I will never forget him helping me to navigate what was, from a professional progression point of view, the worst time I’ve had as a surgical trainee.

I had some difficult politics to overcome in a senior fellow position and effectively had to find another job when I was led to believe my contract would be extended. Mat taught me to step back in a calm way and appraise the situation, my own part in it and my next move. All of these things were done in a considered manner and I always felt that, even with an appropriately critical eye, Mat was rooting for me.

The most valuable thing about Mat’s input were the practical strategies that I wouldn’t have even thought about.  He also gave me some important insights into my own behaviour and the way I interpret situations. The lessons I’ve learned have been really valuable and from a personal growth point of view have made it far easier to manage difficult colleagues and situations. I feel like Mat has given me a foundation for the rest of my career.

During and after the coaching with Mat I have found a new role and have been approached by two units about a consultant position. I have also published a book chapter and got my CV ready for the next step in my career progression. This productivity would not have happened if he hadn’t broken me out of the inertia I was in.

My advice to anyone is if you’re thinking of accessing coaching, you need to do it. It’s been a game changer for me. I don’t believe that trusted friends and colleagues can be all things to all people and having someone to step back and look at the whole landscape is enormously helpful. Mat has a very easy manner but in depth knowledge of NHS politics and a wealth of practical experience. I would recommend his coaching to any of my colleagues. "